The Process So Far
We then started looking at who needed to be involved and brought our key partners together. Our top priority was to make sure that everything we do respects the privacy of all concerned and is safe so we have a fantastic Oversight Committee that includes leading specialists in health and wellbeing and young person mental health. Click here to meet them.
A group of us went to Iceland to meet with all the other countries who are implementing Planet Youth and our friends in the West to make sure that we do everything in line with best practice. We came back and starting telling people about it and meeting with schools to make sure no one missed out – we were so delighted that other partners really wanted the best for our young people and agreed to help fund the work.
2021: Ethical Approval & Data Protection
The schools survey gives us the information we need to share with our partners who are involved in providing services and supports for young people. It is completely anonymous. There are no names and all the information gets pooled into one big report that tells us what it is really like to grow up in our area. Even though it is anonymous everything we do needs to be in the best interests of young people. That’s why we made extra sure by applying for ethical approval to do the survey through the RCP which we received. That means that they are happy that we have put rigorous data protection and other safe measures in place for all the students who take part.
Apart from our Oversight Group we have other groups of people who already work with young people in the area and have that expertise and genuine interest in improving the lives of young people in the area in including Foroige, Crosscare, ETB and Jigsaw for example.
We now have a dedicated Prevention Coordinator for the project who has years of experience of managing youth projects and Jigsaw services and you can contact them by email:
2021: The Survey
Planning for the completion of the first Planet Youth Survey in North Dublin got underway in earnest from early August.
- A promotional video was produced (see video on this website).
- Schools were re-engaged with in early September to prepare for the completion of the Planet Youth survey.
- An Information booklet for parents was produced and distributed through the schools.
- An information card showing contacts for local youth mental health and substance use support services was produced.
The first North Dublin Planet Youth Survey was completed in November.
2022: Analysis & Launch
The data analysis report was received from ICSRA in January.
The data report was produced and launched by An Taoiseach Michael Martin at an event in Malahide on the 11th April.
2022: Future Planning
An Implementation Group was created to support the delivery of actions that will arise from the Planet Youth data. The group is made up of representatives from locally based statutory and voluntary sector services and organisations that deliver front line services.
A 6-week programme for the Transition Year students was prepared by a working group made up of TY co-ordinators Guidance Counsellors and the Prevention Co-ordinator. The programme will be rolled out in autumn 2022.
Key stakeholders participated in a Strategic Planning event on 8th July. The planning event will culminate in the publishing of a Youth Strategy for North Dublin.
How Does It Work?
It works by addressing the factors in th lives of young people that determine if they’ll go on to use drugs and alcohol.
And by reducing the risk factors and strengthening the protective factors and strengthening the protective factors in a targeted manner.
It’s data-based and focuses on the four major domains shown.